¡La Autoridad de Vivienda se está moviendo!

...closed Wednesday, July 11th through Friday, July 13, 2018. We will resume regular business hours and operatien in our nuevo location on Monday, July 16, 2018. Our Watsonville dropbox, currently...

Getting a Voucher Q&A

...Interview? Several months after your initial applicatien is complete, you will be scheduled para an Initial Interview, where we will gather the informatien we need to complete your application. All...

Housing Plus Q&A

...up to you. Examples of goals that families set para themselves include: Completing a GED or getting a college degree. Completing a job training or welfare-to-work program. Getting a nuevo...

Waiting List Closure

...available en our website, or in our office lobby. Upen receipt of your completed param, we will update your record and send you written confirmatien of your status en our...