Changes and Moves Forms   (en español)

Use these forms to report changes and make requests to the Housing Authority once you are receiving assistance. For more information, see our Q&A page.


Use this form to request permission to add members to your household.


Use this form to request permission to remove members from your household.


Use this form to notify the Housing Authority of changes to your income.


Use this form to request permission to move to another unit in the area with your voucher.


Use this form to request permission to move to another unit outside the area with your voucher.


Use this form to authorize someone else to speak to the Housing Authority or receive mail on a person’s behalf.


Use this form to provide a summary of your self employment income and expenses from the last twelve months.


Complete this form as soon as you move out of your unit. Your transfer can not be completed until this form is submitted to the Housing Authority.

Other Forms Frequently Requested by Program Participants


Use this form to request an extension of the term of your voucher.


In signing this consent form, you are authorizing HUD and the Housing Authority to request income information.


In signing this consent form, you are authorizing the Housing Authority to collect income or asset information, as well as childcare, disability and medical expenses, full time student status, and criminal history.


Use this form to assist you in calculating your initial rent.


This is to inform you that there is certain information you must provide when applying for assisted housing. There are penalties that apply if you knowingly omit information or give false information.


Use this form to document the rental units you’ve contacted during your housing search. In order to get an extension, you will need to show that you have been trying to find a place to rent.


This contact information is for the purpose of identifying a person or organization that may be able to help in resolving any issues that may arise during your tenancy or to assist in providing any special care or services you may required.


Use this form to report any Program Violations and/or any fraud. This information is kept confidential. This form goes directly from the website to the Program Integrity Officer.


A guide for Applicants & Tenants of Public Housing & Section 8 Programs.


The Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) provides protections for victims of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking. VAWA protections are not only available to women, but are available equally to all individuals regardless of sex, gender identity, or sexual orientation. You can fill out this form to show that you are or have been a victim of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking, and that you wish to use your rights under VAWA.


The Violence Against Women Act (“VAWA”) protects applicants, tenants, and program participants in certain HUD programs from being evicted, denied housing assistance, or terminated from housing assistance based on acts of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking against them. Despite the name of this law, VAWA protection is available to victims of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking, regardless of sex, gender identity, or sexual orientation.


You may request a Medical Expense Deduction if either the head of household or the spouse (or registered domestic partner) is at least 62 years of age, or has a long term / permanent disability. Temporary disabilities do not qualify participants for the Medical Expense Deduction.


The information in this packet is required to re-determine your level of rental assistance.


This form is provided to request an extension to the period within which a tenant must correct any non-life-threatening deficiencies from a recurring Housing Quality Standards inspection. This form cannot be used to request an extension for a life-threatening deficiency. Extensions will only be granted for good cause at the Housing Authority’s discretion. The request decision will be confirmed in writing.