Project-Based Voucher Program Request for Proposals

The Housing Authority of the County of Santa Cruz has released a PBV Request for Proposals. Proposals will be accepted from October 15, 2024, through November 18, 2024. Please read the full Request for Proposals documents for more information.

Request for Qualifications for Co-Development Partnerships

The Housing Authority of the County of Santa Cruz (“HACSC”) and its affiliate New Horizons Affordable Housing and Development, Inc. (“New Horizons”) has issued a Request for Qualifications (“RFQ”) for Co-Development Partnerships and is currently accepting submissions from prospective co-development partners. Proposals can be submitted at any time while the RFQ remains open. The Developer will provide the necessary skills and expertise to implement the development project and is expected to work closely with HACSC and New Horizons. This RFQ is primarily for the acquisition, financing and development of new affordable housing, however, proposals for rehabilitation of existing housing projects may be considered. All projects must have an affordable housing component to assist households with income levels at or below the low-income limit of 80% area median income and within the jurisdictions of HACSC, which consist of the County of Santa Cruz and the Cities of Hollister and San Juan Bautista.

Responses to the RFQ must include a subject property or properties identified by the Developer and information on the type of co-development activity. The selected Developer will work with HACSC as a co-development partner as established under an executed Join Development Agreement.

Examples of potential co-development activities include:

  1. Shared ownership of affordable housing
  2. Co-development of affordable housing
  3. Co-development of mixed-income housing
  4. Parcel subdivision with co-development
  5. Mixed-use with office component
  6. Turnkey
  7. Rehabilitation

Please see Section 4 – Scope of Services and Developer Responsibilities, for more information on the types of services that are expected to be performed.

Please see Section 5 – Minimum Qualifications, for more information on the minimum requirements for acceptance of a proposal.

To view the full RFQ and its terms, please click here: Co-Development RFQ

The RFQ is open until closed and proposals will be reviewed on a rolling basis. The terms and conditions of the RFQ are subject to change. Interested Developers should regularly check the RFQ posting at for updates. 

Questions and proposal submissions can be directed to Tom Graham, Deputy Executive Director, at [email protected].  The email subject line should state Co-Development RFQ.



The Housing Authority of the County of Santa Cruz (“HACSC”) has published a Request for Proposals for Financial Analysis and Advisory Services relating to its Housing Choice Vouchers (HCV) and Project Based Vouchers (PBV) programs and is currently accepting submissions from prospective consultants. The proposals must be submitted between July 22, 2024 and August 21, 2024 by 5:00pm PST.

HACSC is soliciting proposals from qualified on call consulting firms to provide on-demand professional
financial analysis and advisory services to assist with decision-making in connection with the agency’s
Project Based Voucher Program and affordable and mixed-income projects with a variety of affordable
housing financing sources. Consultant(s) with experience providing services in California associated
with public housing authorities, public entities and affordable housing developers are preferred.

HACSC operates a Project Based Voucher (PBV) program and utilizes PBV awards to stimulate and support local development of affordable housing. In September 2022, HACSC received designation from HUD as a Moving to Work (MTW) Expansion agency, and in 2023 established under MTW waiver authority a 50% PBV Program Cap. The PBVs are a limited resource and it’s critical that HACSC right size awards so that projects are receiving no more subsidy than strictly needed to be viable while ensuring they can still leverage critical sources of funding such as LIHTC, and that HACSC is able to sustain the awarding of PBVs to maximize future development.

The purpose of this solicitation is to qualify on-call Consultant(s) to contract with HACSC to provide consulting/advisory services and/or other related services on behalf of HACSC for one or more of the Specialized Services listed under Exhibit B, Scope of Services. Consultant(s) must respond to CORE SERVICES and may respond to one or more PREFERRED SERVICES and/or OPTIONAL – Specialized Services listed under Exhibit B, Scope of Services.

Through this process, HACSC may select more than one consultant to provide the requested services and enter into one or more contracts with those consultants. Services shall be performed in accordance with the contract. The initial contract is anticipated to commence in September 2024, will be for a period of one year, and may be extended up to four additional years in accordance with the terms contained within the contract.

To view/download the full Request for Proposals document or participate in this solicitation, please visit:

An additional link to the original RFP is also listed below. To participate, bidders must create a vendor account and submit proposals through BidNet Direct. Registration with BidNet Direct is required and free to join. However, to ensure registration without subscription fees, be sure to deselect the default “Enhanced Advertising” option at time of registration. All aspects of this procurement will be managed via the BidNet Direct e-procurement platform, including any updates or revisions. If you need assistance creating your free BidNet Direct Vendor account, please contact 1-800-835-4603 and select menu option 2.

Recertification Program Assistance RFP

Notice to Interested General and Specialty Contractors

The Housing Authority of the County of Santa Cruz requests responses from qualified General Contractors and Specialty Contractors, including but not limited to: Concrete, Electrical, Painting, Plumbing, Roofing and similar specialty classifications. The Housing Authority is developing a list of pre-qualified contractors to provide construction services for a variety of on-going facility maintenance and modification projects – including vacant unit turnovers, service work and similar. Contractors will be evaluated based on the nature of services required and the qualifications of the Contractor. Depending on nature and location of work, select prevailing wage rates will apply to jobs.

Interested Contractors must complete a “Contractor Information” form – available here or from the Housing Authority office. Contractors must submit completed forms to the Housing Authority office located at:

Housing Authority of the County of Santa Cruz
2160 41st Avenue
Capitola, CA 95010
ATT: Amy Gear

This Notice will remain open – there is no deadline for submitting a written “Contractor Information” forms.

Please contact Amy Gear at 831-454-5928 with questions.


In accordance with HUD Section 3 regulations, the Housing Authority of the County of Santa Cruz directs employment opportunities generated by Section 3-covered assistance towards: residents of low-rent public housing; low-income residents in areas where Section 3 construction projects are underway; and business employing such persons. Available employment and contracts are primarily in the areas of construction and clerical work. For more information and to be placed on a solicitation list in case such positions become available, contact the Housing Authority of the County of Santa Cruz at 454-9455. EOE


De acuerdo con las reglamentaciones de la Sección 3 de HUD, la Autoridad de Viviendas del Condado de Santa Cruz dirige las oportunidades de empleo derivadas de la ayuda especificada en la Sección 3 hacia: los residentes de viviendas gubernamentales de alquiler reducido; los residentes de bajos ingresos en áreas donde se está llevando a cabo la construcción de proyectos de la Sección 3; y los negocios que emplean a estas personas. Existen empleos y contratos principalmente en la construcción y en trabajo de oficina. Para más información y para anotarse en la lista de solicitud en caso de que se ofrecieran tales puestos, comuniquese con la Autoridad de Viviendas del Condado de Santa Cruz, llamando al 454-9455. EOE

Si desea una traducción en español, por favor llame al (831) 454-9455.