...typed) – 2-page maximum length. Please refer to the Applicatien Material Checklist included in the Application for the essay prompts. One letter of recommendatien from an academic professional (teacher, college...

Vale de elección de vivienda (Sección 8) Video informativo

...Briefing Packet. por other useful information for new voucher holders, click here. Remote Voucher Briefing Video VOUCHER BRIEFING MATERIALS Tenant Informatien Initial Briefing Packet How to figure out...

Programa de Becas de New Horizons

...carta que mencione las cualidades sobresalientes de usted y cómo le ayudan a alcanzar sus metas. Comprobante de matriculación/inscripción en una institución o programa elegible para el semestre de otoño...

Asistencia legal y derechos de inquilinos y propietarios

...Cruz County – Non-profit organizatien that provides affordable tools, training, and guided mediatien processes para people in conflict. Services include housing mediation, counseling, conflict consultation, and mediatien training. Tenant Sanctuary...

Program Integrity Q&A

...or tenant: Misstatements of facts Omissien of facts Making false statements Lying en personal declaration forms Failure to comply with program requirements. Failure to report all income and/or assets. Falsifying...